The Goal is to live rich 

Financial Planning is a Habit Building Exercise. Once you are Habitual to

 Discipline and Follow the Process, the Great Financial Life will Follow”.

This is How Your Life Might Look Like 

Lots of Uncertainity

There is no Job Security, Businesses are Challenging, Life is always Uncertain, and Health Problems are Normal these days

Multiple Goals

You have to take care of all. Self, Family, Parents, Kids. We are a Sandwich generation

Risk Vs Returns

You want Returns with Low or No Risk. In this Uncertain world you seek Guarantee and safety. Sometimes you want High Returns by accepting High Risk. Yes...We understand the Confusion

High Inflation

Don't know where the Money is going. Inflation is Hitting hard and eating away the Purchasing Power

Many Distractions

Too much Gyan around - On Social media, Newspapers, Friends, Family

No Clarity

Dealth with bankers, Insurance Agents and many "So called' Advisors. You have Already Invested in Lots of Investments. Not sure if they are good enough to keep and suitable to goals. Not Sure where to go, whom to ask?

You have Questions...

The Confusion around has further filtered down to specific Questions which you may be seeking answers to, So to have a clear action Plan

  • How to take care of all Responsibilities? and also Keeping Self Happy?
  • How to Prioritize among Multiple Goals?
  • How to Stay in Budget and also disciplined in Savings/Investments?
  • How to Secure the Present, and Save for the Future? Even when you are not around?
  • How to keep away from the distractions and think /decide wisely?

And... The Bigger Question - WHERE TO INVEST?? -

Hundreds of Mutual Funds/ Thousands of Stocks/Bonds/Post Office savings/ Bank products/ Insurance Policies/ PMS/ AIF. And now with Fintechs around coming with exotic options, confusions have multiplied with new offerings like Small Cases, Structured products, MLDs, P2P Lending, International equities, Unlisted equities, Private equity….and so many Other Products

Personal Financial Planning is the Answer

You have to look at your Finances in a Holistic manner and understand the impact of one decision over the other. With a Limited Resources and lots of aspirations, it is important to prioritize the goals. Where to save is always the result of your Goals time line and risk profile, and once you have a plan at place that decision also becomes easy. The process will put you into a discipline and fixing the weak links by providing required protection to you and your family.

Our Clients say...

Good Moneying Client

Manikaran is a brilliant family physician/doctor albeit for my finances. He is the person with whom I discuss all my major financial decisions including indulgences :). He has got to know my personality in-depth and always suggests solutions that are tailor-made for meAfter having worked with him over the last few years setting my finances in order, I am today, very confident about my financial health

Shreejit Nair

North Head, HCL

Good Moneying Client

Manikaran Singhal is very knowledgeable and trustworthy Financial Planner . He provides a fresh impetus to your personal Financial planning by providing very transparent ProCon view of various financial schemes available in the market.His greatest strength lies in his deep knowledge of the Banking Sector along with Insurance and Mutual Funds . He has always under promised and over achieved which should be a trademark quality of any Financial Planner . Happy to have him provide me with his expert service”

Yadvinder Changotra

Program Director, ITC Infotech, USA

Good Moneying Client

One major thing I learned after working with Manikaran is that, you save so much of time which you otherwise would have spent worrying about your investments, its returns, your goals or searching for better products, reading financial books, following Money control or CNBC and other media channels. With a financial planner by your side, you enjoy your time and give your time to the other important areas in your life. I am proud of my decision.

Dr. Sachin Gupta

Senior Manager, 1mg

How Your Financial Planning will be done?


Where are you NOW
  • At this stage your Present is looked at and analysed. This includes your Cash flow situation i.e. Your Income, Expenses, Cash surplus.  
  • List down your Your Assets (Financial, Real), Liabilities (Loans), Tax Profile, Already Invested Products, Insurance Policies, Employment benefits etc.
  • Answer the Risk Profiling questionnaire.
  • We will send you the Data sheet and Risk profiler to help you Organize the data 


Where you want to GO
  • You need to define your goals, and the amounts associated. The timelines should be clear so to have a clear idea on how far are they 
  • Write down your aspirations, your desires...whatever comes to your mind, which you like to achieve. Be Open with your Planner
  • We will help you Prioritize


How best to go THERE
  • We will analyse your Risk profiling to find out Suitable Asset Allocation for your Long and Short term goals
  • We will Review your already invested products, Insurance policies, your Loans (If any), Your Tax Profile etc. and Suggest the Changes if Required.
  • We will do the Calculations for you and Advise you with a Written Financial Plan  and specific action points and Investments to go with 

You may also tell us to Manage Investments for you

As an Ongoing Service, you may like us to Manage all the Investments for you. We will help you Execute the suggested investments, and monitor the Same keeping the Financial Plan as Base. We will also do Regular Review of Financial plan and Investment Plan so to keep them viable in the current scenario too. We will answer your questions and keep discussing the action plan.

All This So You can Focus on Other Important Areas of Life where Finances does not Matter Much

Services Plan

We have Service offerings for all Set of Investors. If you want a detailed financial Plan with or without implementation support, we can help. We also help new investors to start their financial life on a disciplined note and handhold them in their journey of Good Money habits.

  • Detailed Financial plan
  • Goal based Investment Plan with Specific Recommendations
  • Hand holding and Guidance for 3 months only
  • Suitable for Investors who want to management and Review Plan and Investments on their own

Best Value

  • Detailed Financial Plan
  • Goal based Investment Plan with Specific Recommendations
  • Full implementation Support with Regular Monitoring and Reviews 
  • Suitable for Investors who want to work with Financial Planners for Long term, who manage their financial plans and guide them,time to time on necessary actions
Invest RICH
  • Goal based Investment Plan
  • No Analysis of Past Investments
  • Implementation Support and Regular Monitoring is Optional
  • Suitable for New Investors who does not have baggage of Old Investments and like to start afresh, under Financial Planner guidance

Contact us for a detailed offer!

Premium Services - ZERO Worries


In Today's Online World, where everything looks to be FREE, Its natural to be apprehensive to engage a FEE ONLY Professional, where you don't even know the exact outcome. So, let me take away the risk from you, and assure you that during the complete process, where ever you feel that you are not finding the same useful or not as what you had expected...we will refund you the 100% payment. No Questions Asked. 

Frequently asked questions

What is the Review Frequency of Financial Plan?

Regularity depends on the Complexity one has in its Financial Profile. Generally, it is an annual exercise, but in many cases things have to be reviewed Bi Annually and in some cases after 2 -3 years.

Financial plan may be done after specific Intervals. but Financial Planning is an Ongoing Process. Your Income Changes, Major expense change, Tax structure Change, Changes in Goals and Goal Posts, Changes in Family Structure etc. all calls for tweaking in your Financial Plan if not Redoing it.

Will you help in Implementation of The Financial Plan?

We have both the offerings. With and Without Implementation. Its completely your choice. If you feel that you can do the review and monitoring in a better way, then yes save the cost and do it yourself.

Else allow us to Professionally handhold you though our Live RICH Service.

Who will i be dealing with- You or Your Team?

To Serve Well, a Good Professional have to have a Professional Team. However, It is also important to be part of each and every financial plan, so one should be aware if the team is doing it in the right way or not. 

Moreover, to me it is a profession and not a business. So i personally take care of all my clients. I (Manikaran Singal) involve myself in all the plans and Reviews. In fact i am the one who interacts with all the clients on all Financial planning issues. Implementation /Execution may be done by the team, but I will take care of the  Review and recommendations part.

WHY FEE? When Such Services are Available for FREE?

There is nothing FREE in this world. In fact there's a saying that if you are getting something for FREE then You are the Product. No professional will Serve you for FREE. However if they are still doing it, then either they are doing Charity work or selling you some Investment products and earning commissions out of it. And they may be earning more than what they could have asked for FEE...this is called Conflict of Interest.

Financial planning is a specialized professional service which is required to be provided by SEBI Registered Advisers only, and you shall not expect Cheap Service from experienced professional.

How do you Serve clients? Is Online Possible?

Yes, we do this best. In fact 90% of our clients prefers this online route only. We are in touch with them through Skype, Phone, Email , Google hangout, WhatsApp etc. Things are going smooth. In this Fast Paced world, no one has time for personal meetings, and with technology we reduce the distance and provides cost effective advice.

What Guarantee you Give on Investment Return?

No Professional can give guarantee of anything. They only can handle things the best of their Knowledge, experience and Wisdom. 

No doctor can give guarantee of curing the patient, No Advocate can give guarantee of winning the case, same way no Financial planner can give guarantee on Investment Return. 

What we can ensure is that Process be followed diligently and intelligently provided we keep getting client's Support and responses timely.

Let's have a No Strings attached FREE Discussion on your requirements. Click the Button or Fill in the form below